Our corporate philosophy
uality and safety
Drawing upon the knowledge and experience accumulated in a company with a long tradition in classical plant engineering, we have made it our task to maintain and further advance superb quality standards in every product sector, paying particular attention to personal safety and environment protection. Our innovations in the field of renewable and regenerative energies are to contribute to the improvement and sustainability of the basis for human life. Achieving this objective with satisfactory returns on investment and operational profitability are what all our employees and partner firms strive to attain.
Our strategy
The work turned out by Schwelm Anlagentechnik GmbH is performed by a highly qualified and experienced staff. All of the company’s operations are subject to stringent quality monitoring and strive to achieve continuous improvement of both procedures and product quality. In-service training for the employees, on both the theoretical and practical levels, is a “must” for us, since only a fully qualified team is able to manufacture high-quality products at economical costs. Ongoing internal communication and coordination of the line departments, together with open dialog with the customers, form the basis for a “best practice” product. It achieves maximum utility to the customers, following the principle of “everything from a single source”. Analytic expertise and commitment form the combination that makes us into experts.